Commercial and documentary observational photography. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the links below or head along to my commercial site.

New Photo: Tui

Study of Tui on branch (from October, 2005). 1024px version here.

It's the blog's one year birthday today. I'm in a generous mood - so if you add a comment and tell me what your favourite photo is and why, I'll upload a desktop wallpaper version.

Some amusing statistics:
My longsuffering Nikon D70 has clicked 36,200 times
My archive folders add up to exactly 88 Gb of photos from this camera alone
The blog has had 5,073 visitors, and 17,874 page views (including this blog's evil twin) - not bad for a generalist photography weblog, but hardly stellar. Growth in visitor numbers has been good, and this month is the best on record.
My 'keepers' folder has only 2,777 photos, suggesting an average strike rate of 8% or so.
I think there have been six different styles of border :)
2% of my visitors use Macs. 3% use Linux.

Stuff to look forward to:
Beijing and Singapore at the end of June, Sailing (RPNYC Winter Series), maybe some motorsport incl Rally New Zealand, and of course the usual events that Wellington does so well... Oh, and a new camera. More about that soon.