"You are cordially invited to attend the AIB 2006 Gala Dinner
Great Hall of the People
June 25th 7:30pm - 10:00pm
Hosted by Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
Sponsored by Samsung"

It must have been a whole lot of sponsorship, because entrance to the Great Hall is generally restricted to officals and visiting Prime Ministers. Not assistant lecturers with no journal publications (as yet...)

The Great Hall is just to one side of Tiananmen Square

I had wondered about the black Audis on the motorway and around town. Perhaps this is where they come from...

Chinese art seems to have quite a different aesthetic quality to European stuff. Where's the rule of thirds?

It is a fairly large painting, I'm sure you'll agree

The stage show was spectacular, although some decorative genius put plants along the front of the stage which blocked the view somewhat

This looks difficult

The food was... okay. The prawns were about a foot long.

Beth (my doctoral supervisor)

Doren (my master's supervisor)

Prof. John Cantwell (10 books, 50 articles, & 60 chapters)

Maija (Doctoral student from Florida Intl Uni)

Susan (former Auckland Uni colleague)

Vik and his waitress

Terry Wu and Susan (who seems determined to be in every photo...)

Prof Sylvie Chetty (Massey University)