Commercial and documentary observational photography. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the links below or head along to my commercial site.

Karori Wildlife Sanctuary

My visit last year didn't yield many photos, so I decided to make a return trip and try to remedy the situation. The guide at the entrance (after politely checking my lens bag for mice) suggested finding some of the lesser-used tracks if I wanted to spot some interesting birds, so I did just that and ended up walking about 10km from the Fuchsia Track, along the perimeter pest fence, and back along the Faultline Track. Here are the photos. Apologies for the use of flash (donations towards an f2.8 telephoto will be gratefully accepted!).

Not every day you see a Tuatara just sitting in front of you - this guy has the latest in fashion accessories - larger 1024px version here.

Lots of Tui out, about, and making noise.

1024px version here

This is a Stitchbird or Hihi (thanks Mum!)

The flash helps produce a sharp photo (you can practically see the feather barbules in the original), but the overall impression is a bit unnatural. Maybe a big diffuser would help.

I came across a group of three Saddlebacks jumping around - I only managed this photo before they took offense at my intrusion.

Mmmmm tree

Liftoff - a superbly well timed shot, but don't ask about the 15 others that are titled 'Study no.x of vanishing Kaka feet'.