Commercial and documentary observational photography. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the links below or head along to my commercial site.

MOPAN Conference

The last few days (and tomorrow) I've had the enviable task of acting as 'official photographer' for the MOPAN (Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks conference. I'm not having to co-exist as an academic for this one, so I figured it is a great opportunity to explore the outer limits of the conference documentary sub-genre of photographic expression (if there is such a thing).

Fortunately nothing that involves the organisational talents of Janet and Michel will ever be toooo serious...

...and the food is good...

Mostly though, it is just a lot of academics sitting around and eating chicken

...doing presentations...

...asking questions...

...and contemplating Wellington's less than stellar weather.

Last night featured dinner at 'One Red Dog' - offering a perfect opportunity for me to practice my low-light/ no flash/ documentary style stuff.

Tough work, but they fed me, so it's okay.