Commercial and documentary observational photography. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the links below or head along to my commercial site.


I'm back in Wellington, and I'm now the proud owner of (a) a cold, and (b) a very nice Asus Z53J laptop (1.6Mhz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 1Gb Ram, 100Gb hard drive, Windows Vista).

Needless to say, the laptop is great, and the cold isn't.

Vista seems to work well - I had a bit of a battle trying to get it to show image thumbnails for my RAW files, but fortunately irfanview came to my rescue. Vista's habit of endlessly confirming and re-confirming whenever I want to do something is going to get old rather quickly.

I'll put some photos up when I'm up to speed - coming attractions include Deborah and Kynan's wedding, and a day out watching a practice and test day at Pukekoe Raceway.