Commercial and documentary observational photography. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the links below or head along to my commercial site.

AIB Conference in Indianapolis

The Indianapolis trip was mostly about going to the Academy of International Business (AIB) annual meeting. I attended the doctoral consortium on the first day, and presented my ongoing work to Professors Alain Verbeke, Jane Lu, and Klaus Meyer. On the third day of the conference, I presented the same thing again, but to a small audience as part of an Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) special session for 'emerging researchers'.

1 - I took my camera along to the AIB gala dinner at the Eiteljorg Museum on the third day of the conference. It was within 5 min walk of the hotel, which suited everyone just fine... here's a small outdoor water feature....

2 - the dinner was a bit strange - kindof a combined sit down/ stand up deal, with food that didn't know whether it wanted to be eaten on a small plate standing up, or on a big plate sitting down.

3 - I tried my luck at some random photography - here's Prof. Ito, who happens to be my PhD supervisor's oftenest co-author. Ito and my supervisor made sure I was introduced to the 'right' people... very important, all that...

4 - Marie-Ann from the University of Munster, in Germany


6 - Clara, from somewhere I don't recall

7 - Professor John Dunning, a famous name in the discipline

8 - after dinner there was a chance to wander about in the museum, looking at the cowboys and Indians and things...

9 - General "Mad " Anthony Wayne's flag

10 - Srividya (from the Wharton School) and her carriage


12 - I was intrigued by the funky clip-on glass holders. They even had a logo... very nice!


13 - the keynote address was given by James T. Morris, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme



15 - The last night of the conference featured dinner with Profs Rose and Ito at Shula's Restaurant - the menu (mostly consisting of large pieces of steak) was written on a gridiron ball. If you look closely, you can see that they offer a 48oz Porterhouse if you're particularly daring (and feel like eating a complete buffalo). Amanda (pictured) found the whole thing quite amusing...

16 - if you manage to eat all 48oz, you get to join the club. The photo doesn't quite do the hunk of meat justice - it was more spherical than flat... And yes, that is a lobster on the left.


17 - I wasn't planning on doing a great photographic essay on airport interiors, but this is the United Airlines end of Chicago O'Hare Airport. Not bad... United Airlines turned out to be a bit agricultural. A 45min delay on the tarmac in a hot, packed plane didn't improve my impressions much... nor, for that matter, the 3 days worth of food that was spread all over the floor. Listening to the Air Traffic Control was pretty cool though.

18 - ...and this is looking outside from the Auckland domestic terminal, just before heading back to Wellington. The weather hasn't improved much!