Commercial and documentary observational photography. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the links below or head along to my commercial site.

Giulia and Filippo's Wedding

An epic weekend in the Wellington sunshine, and a stunning setting at Boomrock (website) for Giulia and Filippo's wedding. Click the images or captions below to see each gallery, or click here for direct access to the collection.

Pre-Wedding visit to Boomrock, and the Rehearsal Meeting - click here for the Image Gallery

Ladies in Hair and Makeup - click here for the Image Gallery

Preparations at G&F's place - click here for the Image Gallery

Portraits on Wellington's Waterfront - click here for the Image Gallery

Te Papa & Boomrock, pre-ceremony - click here for the Image Gallery

Ceremony - click here for the Image Gallery

After ceremony hijinks - click here for the Image Gallery

Reception - click here for the Image Gallery

Castle Point Adventures - click here for the Image Gallery