Commercial and documentary observational photography. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the links below or head along to my commercial site.

The Eiffel Tower Wedding Party

"The Eiffel Tower Wedding Party transports Jean Cocteau's 'monstrous reality' from 1920s Paris to 2008 Wellington in a surrealist dance theatre affair. Three Spoon Theatre bring their vivacious blend of quirky comedy and energetic zing to Cocteau's madcap mirage through a visually assaulting exhibition of dark thoughts, explosive declarations and pretty postcards.

Directed by Brigid Costello and accompanied by the whimsical melodies of Yann Tiersen, Eiffel Tower bewilders and amuses with the adventures of a misbehaving camera, a peculiar pair of phonographs and an utterly bizarre wedding party"

I caught these guys in rehearsal at BATS Theatre, where they're performing until September 6 as part of the Wellington City Council sponsored Dance Your Socks Off! Festival

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